12 RSSD 2022 press conference was held today, 22 November 2022. The program was presented, and the entry list with many attractive drivers was announced. Majda Lojo Pavlović traditionally led the press conference. Dario Zurovec – Mayor of the City of Sveta Nedelja, spoke about the importance of this event for the City of Sveta Nedelja. In front of the City of Samobor, Deputy Mayor Petar Burić said, and the Tourist Board of Zagreb County was represented by its director, Mrs Ivana Alilović. Multiple champions Nenad Lončarić and Niko Pulić spoke from the driver’s perspective.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, President Daniel Vojvodić – Auto Karting Club Sveta Nedelja, and Clerk of the Course Assistant, Krešo Majhen – Auto Club Delta Timing, addressed technical realisation information to the attendees.
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