Requirements for media tabard approval: two (2) samples of previous work regarding rally (including RSSD if possible) - *upload journal articles, photos, and recordings up to the total size of 10 Mb or website link of the above.
In case of media accreditation issued in some of the previous RSSD years, it is necessary to submit materials of what was published before and after the relevant RSSD (articles, videos, or photos).
If the upload is not possible, the same should be sent by the deadline (14 November 2024 - for the „Media accreditation form“) via e-mail

The organizer has the right to reject an application for accreditation and tabard issuance, as well as their subtraction, in case of non-compliance with the prescribed warnings and inappropriate behavior during the competition.
By a discretionary decision, the organizer has the right to approve the tabard to a representative who does not meet the requirements.

Accreditation requests must be sent by Thursday, 14 November 2024!

1 Step 1
Ime i prezime - Name and surname
Adresa - Address
Mobitel - Mobile phone
Web adresa - Web address

Required / Obavezno

Organizacija / organization

GDPR and data management
By accepting the privilian, by signing the Media accreditation application form for the "Rally Show Santa Domenica", ie completing and sending the Online Entry form I declare that all contained details are accurate. By accepting the privilian, by signing the application form I will voluntarily and unambiguously give consent for the collection and processing of all personal data for the purpose of carrying out the sporting competition. 
GDPR i obrada podataka
Prihvaćanjem privole, vlastoručnim potpisom Obrasca za akreditaciju na “Rally Showu Santa Domenica”, odnosno ispunjavanjem i slanjem e-Obrasca, jamčim da su svi navedeni podaci istiniti te da prihvaćam uvjete koji se odnose na moje sudjelovanje na ovom natjecanju. Prihvaćanjem privole i vlastoručnim potpisom dobrovoljno i nedvosmisleno dajem svoj pristanak za prikupljanje i obradu svih navedenih osobnih podataka u svrhu provođenja predmetnog sportskog natjecanja.​

GDPR and data management / GDPR i obrada podataka

DECLARATION: I confirm to be legally an adult (18 years), and I guarantee with my signature the truthfulness and accuracy of data in this form. I am acquainted with the hazardous situations possible during duty in the autosport competition. I was obliged to follow the regulations defined by the organizer and carried out by the officials in the competition. The organizer disclaims liability for possible accidents, injuries, damage, etc. With my signature, I guarantee the truthfulness of the claims above and fully admit and accept the conditions of the waiver of liability listed above and accept conditions regarding my participation in this competition.

Advance payment for the press tabard amounts 20,00 € 

Accepting this certifies that I have read and understood the above information. I affirm that I am participating in this competition at my own risk!
IZJAVA: Potvrđujem da sam stariji/a od 18 g. te svojim potpisom jamčim da su svi podaci iz ovog obrasca istiniti i točni. Upoznat/a sam s opasnostima do kojih može doći prilikom rada na autosport natjecanju. Obvezujem se držati regulative koju je propisao organizator, a provode je službene osobe na natjecanju. Organizator se odriče bilo kakve odgovornosti od eventualnih nesreća, ozljeda, štete na opremi i sl. Svojim potpisom jamčim istinitost gore navedenih podataka te u cijelosti priznajem i prihvaćam gore navedene uvjete odricanja odgovornosti navedenih osoba te prihvaćam uvjete koji se odnose na moje sudjelovanje na ovom natjecanju. 

Akontacija za press bluzon iznosi 20,00 €.

Potvrdom ovog obrasca potvrđujem da sam pročitao i razumio gore navedene informacije. Potvrđujem da u ovom natjecanju sudjelujem na vlastitu odgovornost!

Sigurnost / Safety