Just as motto says, Epson Europe exceeds its own vision with work. To end users and to general society as well, it represents strong commitment and promise that their expectations shall always be met and even outmatched. Epson cares for society by distributing their own innovative and revolutionary products, understanding and following the end user needs. It’s a company that can proudly stand and say that it actively participates in responsible global resources management by lowering CO2 emission, reduced electricity consumption and also increasing percentage of recycled materials in production. Environment care is a care for humans!
Epson’s Sponsorship Program reveals everything that was left untold through their environment care. Besides being proud sponsors of world greatest athletes, Epson sponsors greatest names in Autosport as well. From this year and through their distributor in Croatia- Eurotrade, Epson is partner of queen’s crown of automobile sport in Croatia, Rally Show Santa Domenica. Such partnership of a project that’s been initiated by few enthusiasts and true gravel fans speaks for itself on what this show become during the years. It is love, not just for rallying and automobiles, but for sport and humans- and this is exactly what makes unbreakable partnering bond between Epson Europe, Eurotrade and Rally Showa Santa Domenica.
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